Playing with the fate - Chapter 11 - wizoo (2024)

Chapter Text

The night was calm as Jim Kirk left Spock's apartment, the weight of the day's stress easing with each step. He felt a warm satisfaction from the time he had spent with Spock, their relationship growing stronger despite the lurking threats. The streets of San Francisco were quiet, the cool night air refreshing as he made his way back to his quarters at the Starfleet Academy.

Jim was lost in thought, replaying the moments of intimacy and connection he had shared with Spock. His footsteps echoed softly against the pavement, the city lights casting a gentle glow around him. It was a moment of peace, a brief respite from the constant demands of his life.

Suddenly, the tranquility shattered. From the shadows, two men emerged, their intentions clear and malevolent. Before Jim could react, one of the assailants lunged at him, a glint of steel flashing in the dim light. Jim's instincts kicked in, honed by years of training and experience. He dodged the first strike, but the second attacker was already upon him.

A fierce struggle ensued, Jim fighting for his life against the ruthless hitmen. His thoughts raced as he grappled with them, the realization of who might be behind this attack dawning on him. Hegins. It had to be. The businessman’s obsession with Spock had taken a dark turn, and now Jim was the target.

Despite his best efforts, one of the attackers managed to land a blow, a knife slicing across Jim's side. Pain flared, but adrenaline kept him moving. He fought back with everything he had, managing to break free momentarily. He ran, his breath coming in ragged gasps, the wound on his side burning.

Jim darted into an alley, his attackers close behind. He knocked over trash cans and anything else he could find to slow them down. The pain was intense, but he pushed through, his survival instincts driving him forward. Finally, he saw a light up ahead, the neon sign of a small all-night diner. Desperation lent him speed, and he burst through the door, the startled patrons and staff looking up in shock.

"Help! Call the police!" Jim shouted, collapsing against the counter, his hand pressed against his bleeding side.

The attackers, seeing the commotion and realizing they had lost their chance, retreated into the night. Jim's vision blurred, but he stayed conscious, determined to survive. The diner's staff quickly called for help, and soon an ambulance arrived, taking Jim to the nearest hospital.

In the emergency room, doctors and nurses worked swiftly to treat his wound. The pain was intense, but Jim remained alert, his thoughts on Spock and the danger that still loomed. Once the immediate threat to his life had passed, the medical staff urged him to report the attack to the police.

"You need to tell them what happened," the nurse insisted, her voice firm but kind. "They can help protect you."

Jim nodded, knowing she was right. The police arrived soon after, taking his statement and assuring him they would investigate. He gave them all the details he could remember, his mind racing with the implications. He knew Hegins was behind this, but proving it would be another matter.

After the police left, Jim tried calling Spock. There was no answer. He left a message, his voice strained with worry. "Spock, it's Jim. I've been attacked. I'm okay, but I need to talk to you. Please call me back."

When Spock still didn't respond, Jim's concern grew. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. He needed someone he could trust, someone who could help him navigate this dangerous situation.

He called McCoy next, his voice shaking slightly as he explained what had happened. "Bones, I need you. I'm at the hospital. They treated me, but I need to get out of here. Can you come pick me up?"

McCoy's response was immediate, his tone filled with worry. "Jim, are you okay? I'll be there as soon as I can. Just hang tight."

True to his word, McCoy arrived quickly, his expression a mix of relief and concern when he saw Jim. "Damn it, Jim, what the hell happened?"

Jim explained everything as McCoy helped him to his car. The doctor's hands were steady, but Jim could see the worry in his eyes. "Hegins," Jim said, his voice raw. "He's behind this. He knows about Spock and me. He tried to have me killed."

McCoy swore under his breath, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "That bastard! We need to figure out what to do next. First, let's get you back to the Academy. You'll be safer there!"

Jim turned to his friend, his expression resolute. “Bones, we’re not going back to the Academy. We’re going to Spock’s apartment.”

McCoy looked at him, eyebrows raised. “Jim, are you sure? You’re still recovering, and we don’t know what we’re walking into.”

Jim nodded firmly. “I’m sure. Spock isn’t answering his calls. Something’s wrong, and we need to find him.”

McCoy sighed, recognizing the determination in Jim’s eyes. “Alright, let’s go.”

They got into McCoy’s car, and he drove towards Spock’s apartment. The streets of San Francisco passed by in a blur as Jim’s mind raced with worry and fear for Spock. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible had happened.

McCoy glanced over at Jim, his face etched with concern. “Jim, we need to be smart about this. If Hegins is as dangerous as you say, we can’t just rush in without a plan.”

“I know, Bones. But we have to find Spock. He might be in danger because of me,” Jim replied, his voice tight with anxiety.

McCoy nodded, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. “We’ll find him, Jim. We’ll get him out of there.”

When they arrived at Spock’s apartment building, Jim and McCoy quickly made their way inside. The elevator ride up to Spock’s floor felt interminable, the silence heavy with unspoken fears.

Once they reached the apartment, Jim knocked on the door, his heart pounding. There was no answer. He tried the handle, but it was locked.

“Bones, we need to get in there,” Jim said urgently.

McCoy nodded and pulled out a small tool from his pocket, one he kept for emergencies. He quickly picked the lock, and they entered the apartment cautiously.

The sight that greeted them confirmed Jim’s worst fears. The apartment was in disarray, signs of a struggle evident everywhere. Furniture was overturned, and Spock’s belongings were scattered across the floor.

“Damn it,” Jim muttered, running a hand through his hair. “He’s been taken.”

McCoy examined the room, his medical training kicking in as he assessed the situation. “We need to figure out where they might have taken him.”

Jim’s mind raced as he tried to think of where Hegins could have taken Spock. “Hegins has a lot of properties. He could be anywhere.”

“Let’s start with the most obvious places,” McCoy suggested. “His main office or one of his pubs.”

Jim nodded, grateful for McCoy’s level-headedness. “Alright, let’s check his office first.”

They left the apartment and hurried back to the car, Jim’s mind racing with worry for Spock. As McCoy drove, Jim called the police to report Spock’s abduction, providing them with all the details he could. The police assured him they would investigate, but Jim knew they couldn’t wait for official channels. They had to act quickly.

When they arrived at Hegins’ office building, Jim and McCoy entered through a side door, avoiding the main entrance. They moved quietly, using the shadows to their advantage. Jim’s heart pounded as they made their way to Hegins’ office.

They reached the door and listened for any signs of activity inside. Hearing nothing, Jim motioned for McCoy to pick the lock. McCoy quickly got to work, and within moments, they were inside the office.

The room was empty, but Jim’s eyes were immediately drawn to a large desk with a computer. “Bones, see if you can find anything on there,” Jim said, pointing to the computer.

McCoy sat down and began searching through the files. After a few minutes, he found what they were looking for. “Jim, look at this. There’s a schedule here with locations for Hegins’ different properties. He’s got a private warehouse listed.”

“That’s got to be it,” Jim said, his eyes narrowing. “Let’s go.”

They left the office and hurried back to the car, driving quickly to the address listed for the warehouse. The building was located in a secluded part of the city, far from prying eyes.

As they approached, Jim’s heart raced with anticipation and fear. They parked a short distance away and approached the warehouse on foot, moving stealthily to avoid detection.

When they reached the building, they found a side door and peered inside. The warehouse was dimly lit, and they could see several men patrolling the area. Jim’s eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of Spock.

“There,” McCoy whispered, pointing to a small room at the back of the warehouse.

Jim’s heart leaped as he saw a figure matching Spock’s description. He was tied to a chair, guarded by two men. Jim turned to McCoy, his expression determined. “We need to get him out of there.”

McCoy nodded, his face set with resolve. “What’s the plan?”

Jim quickly outlined a strategy. They would create a distraction, drawing the guards away from Spock, and then make their move. McCoy would take care of the guards while Jim freed Spock.

They moved into position, and Jim threw a small rock to the other side of the warehouse, creating a loud noise that caught the guards’ attention. As the guards went to investigate, Jim and McCoy moved quickly and quietly towards Spock.

McCoy took down the guards with precision, using his medical knowledge to incapacitate them without causing permanent harm. Jim reached Spock and began untying him, his heart pounding with relief and fear.

“Spock, it’s me. We’re getting you out of here,” Jim whispered urgently.

Spock’s eyes fluttered open, his voice weak but filled with determination. “Jim... be careful. Hegins... he’s dangerous.”

“I know,” Jim replied, his hands working quickly to free Spock. “But we’re not leaving you here.”

Once Spock was free, Jim helped him to his feet, supporting his weight as they made their way to the exit. McCoy joined them, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings.

They moved quickly, avoiding detection as they left the warehouse and made their way back to the car. Jim helped Spock into the backseat, and McCoy drove them away from the danger.

As they put distance between themselves and the warehouse, Jim turned to Spock, his voice filled with concern. “Are you okay?”

Spock nodded weakly, his eyes filled with gratitude. “Thanks to you, Jim. And you, Dr. McCoy.”

McCoy glanced back, his face serious. “We need to get you somewhere safe. Hegins won’t stop until he gets what he wants.”

Jim nodded in agreement. “We’ll figure something out. But first, let’s get Spock back to the Academy and get him checked out.”

As they drove towards the Academy, Jim’s mind raced with thoughts of what they had just been through. The danger was far from over, but they had taken the first step in protecting Spock and bringing Hegins to justice.

Jim knew the road ahead would be difficult, but with McCoy’s help and Spock by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges came their way. They had each other, and that was enough to give him hope for the future.

Playing with the fate - Chapter 11 - wizoo (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.