Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (2024)

At Promoco DC, we're more than just a weed and mushroom dispensary in Washington D.C.; we're your trusted partner in exploring the therapeutic and recreational benefits of cannabis and magic mushrooms. Our mission is to provide our community with high-quality, safe, and legally sourced products, all delivered with the care and expertise you deserve. Think of us as your knowledgeable friend in the cannabis and mushroom world, here to guide you through our exceptional selections and services.

Promco DC Menu

Our product range is curated to cater to all preferences and needs. Whether you're a connoisseur of the finest weed strains or curious about the healing potential of magic mushrooms, our dispensary has you covered. From aromatic sativas, rich indicas, balanced hybrids, to a variety of mushroom strains, edibles, and concentrates, we ensure every item on our shelves meets stringent quality standards. At Promoco DC, exploring the depth of nature’s gifts has never been easier or safer.

Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (1)


Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (2)


Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (3)

Magic Mushrooms DC

Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (4)


Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (5)


Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (6)


Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (7)

View All

Just Added:

Sour jammers (Sativa/Hybrid)


Wookie slushie (Hybrid)


Commando (50/50 Hybrid)


Helium runtz (sativa)


Twister (Sativa/Hybrid)


Randy marsh (hybrid)


Bubblegum Popperz (Hybrid)


Michelle’s Runtz


Snickerz (Hybrid)


Tart Spicoli (Indica Dominant Hybrid)


Orange Tree (Hybrid)

Sold Out

Punch Mints (50/50 Hybrid)


Laughing Gas (Hybrid)

Sold Out


What's Hot:

Promoco Cart 1g

40.00 50.00



Mushroom Shake Pills

from 50.00

Candy Ropes

25.00 30.00



King Size Raw Cone Preroll

from 20.00

Neau Tropics 6 Gram Mushroom Bars


Whole Melt Extracts Live Diamond Vaporizer 2g


Pinky's Potion: THC Tincture (1000 MG)


Whole Melt Extracts




V-mod Square Battery


Neau Tropics Artisanal Gummies


Whole Melt Extracts - Badder



How It Works

Fast, Easy and Safe

1) Shop

Simply shop our menu and add the items you'd like to your cart.

2) Schedule

During checkout, pick the date & time when you'd like to recieve your order (pickup & delivery options are available)

3) Verify ID

Describe the feature, service or product that this icon represents.

Promoco DC: Weed & Shroom Delivery - Mushroom dispensary (51)

Quality Over All

Who We Are

PromoCo is Washington D.C.'s premier i71 compliant in-store & delivery service offering the best flower, carts, shrooms & concentrates in the area. We opened in 2018 as a cart based service, but have since blossomed in offering a variety of products while upholding our commitment to exceptional customer service. Our reputation speaks for itself.


We Let you Do the Talking

Don’t just take our word for it; hear what our satisfied customers have to say. From life-changing experiences with magic mushrooms to the joy of discovering the perfect cannabis strain, our testimonials reflect the positive impact Promoco DC has made in the lives of many.

Delivery Service

Our delivery service extends throughout Washington D.C., bringing your preferred cannabis and mushrooms directly to your doorstep. We pride ourselves on punctuality and discretion, ensuring your products arrive safely and within the promised time frame. Our delivery team understands the importance of professionalism and privacy, making your satisfaction their top priority.

Our Location

1813 18th St NW
Washington DC,20009

Premium Products

DMV Delivery

Safe & Secure

Live Support


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" + e + "

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" + notificationMessage.trim() + "

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Testing Offer: ` + window.appikon.test_offer_name + `

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" + "" + "" + "

"); isInserted = true; } }) } return isInserted; } function insertCartSnippets(cartType) { var productTitleInserted = null; var linePriceInserted = null; var subtotalInserted = null; var unitPriceInserted = null; if (cartType === 'DRAWER') { productTitleInserted = insertCartTitleSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.drawer_cart_product_title_selector); linePriceInserted = insertCartLinePriceSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.drawer_cart_line_price_selector); unitPriceInserted = insertCartUnitPriceSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.drawer_cart_unit_price_selector); subtotalInserted = insertCartSubTotalSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.drawer_cart_sub_total_selector); } else if (cartType === 'REGULAR') { productTitleInserted = insertCartTitleSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.regular_cart_product_title_selector); linePriceInserted = insertCartLinePriceSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.regular_cart_line_price_selector); unitPriceInserted = insertCartUnitPriceSnippet(window.appikonDiscount.settings.regular_cart_unit_price_selector); 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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.